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«Русский архив» (Russkii arkhiv) - Russian historical journal.

E-ISSN 2413-726X

Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 2013.

1 June 01, 2017

Column by Editor in Chief
URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499421840.pdf
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Articles and Reports

2. Alexander L. Kleitman
Historical and Statistical Descriptions of the Eparchies of the Low Volga Region of the Middle of the 19th Century

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(1): 5-11.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.1.5CrossRef

The activity of the orthodox priests on drafting of the historical and statistical descriptions of the eparchies of the Low Volga Region in the middle of the 19th century is analyzed in the article. At that time the information about the history, modern condition of the populated places, the churches, ancient monuments, religious traditions of the local population and other questions was collected by the orthodox priests on the task of Synod and eparchial authorities. In the Astrakhan, Saratov and Don eparchies huge information on these questions which was collected by priests became a base for writing of historical and statistical descriptions of the churches, parishes and eparchies as a whole. These descriptions became ones of the earliest scientific works devoted to the Low Volga Region and the orthodox priests’ activity on these works was an important episode in the history of the scientific study of the region.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499421930.pdf
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3. Leonid L. Smilovitsky
Jews from the USSR write abroad (Letters and Diaries of World War II as a Historical Source). Part I

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(1): 12-32.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.1.12CrossRef

This article is devoted to the little-studied topic of the correspondence abroad of Jews from the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. It examines the renewal of mail correspondence of the Jewish families with the outside world, which – due to dramatic internal political changes in the USSR during the 1930s – had ceased until the summer of 1941. The author provides an analysis of Jewish letters from the USSR to the United States, Palestine, South Africa, Argentina, and Mexico. This correspondence offers a window into a number of different aspects of the Jews’ experiences of the period: solidarity with the Red Army, the participation of Soviet Jews in the struggle against Nazism on the fronts of the war, Zionism, and Yiddish from the USSR. Particular attention is paid to such themes as the Holocaust, the search for relatives and the help of the Red Army, aid sent from Palestine, life after evacuation, and observance of the Jewish tradition. The letters of Jews from the Soviet Union abroad during 1941-1945 are an extraordinary phenomenon in the history of private military correspondence. The sympathy and attention demonstrated by tens of thousands of people from abroad helped the USSR overcome its international isolation and provided moral and material assistance, which significantly contributed to the ultimate victory of Soviet weapons over a common enemy.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499422035.pdf
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4. Artyom Y. Peretyatko
N.I. Krasnov and his “Considerations on the Financial Advantage for the State of the System of Irregular Troops’ Nomination by the Special Population Groups, Enjoying the Exemptions and Privileges for their Military Service”. Part II

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(1): 33-51.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.1.33CrossRef

N.I. Krasnov, a famous Don statistician, Lieutenant general, author of the “Materials for Geography and Statistics of Russia collected by the Officers of the General Staff. The Don Host Oblast” and “Military Review of the Don Host Oblast». In 1860–1880 he held important positions in the Main Directorate of Irregular Troops. Furthermore N.I. Krasnov belonged to the famous Cossack family Krasnov and was the father of Don Ataman and war criminal P.N. Krasnov. We publish a detailed report of N.I. Krasnov about the economic efficiency of irregular troops. It was created during the debates of the “progressists” and “cossackomans” and contains a set of unique facts and original conculusions. In our opinion, it can even be considered as the rough draft of unpublished book. N.I. Krasnov shows the economic problems created by the irregular system of services, and calls for the gradual elimination of the Cossacks. As a supplement to the Krasnov’s text we publish the report of the Russian military agent in Vienna F.F. Tornau about Militärgrenze.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499422132.pdf
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5. Alla V. Shadrina
Antireligious Activities in the Don Okrug of the North Caucasus Krai, and the Specific Situation of the League of Militant Atheists in 1927

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(1): 52-62.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.1.52CrossRef

This article deals with one of the under-studied phenomenon in the history of the antireligious movement in the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s – the antireligious work and activities of the League of Atheists in North Caucasus Krai. The Memorandum on the Antireligious Activities in Krai (1927), kept in the depository of the Centre of Documents on the Modern History of Rostov Oblast and published here for the first time, provides an exhaustive view on the organization of the antireligious propaganda in the Don Okrug of the North Caucasus Krai, and on the dissatisfactory conditions that the League of Atheists was in due to the lack of attention paid by the Communist Party officials to that association, to the deficit in well-trained staff, and because of the lack of material resources and financing.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499422202.pdf
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6. Olga V. Semenova
«At Least Once More to See You and Tell You So Much...»: Personal Archive of the Old Bolshevik M. Ruban

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(1): 63-94.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.1.63CrossRef

The publication contains documents from the personal archive of the old bolshevik, red partisan and a hero of the Civil War, Order Bearer Mefody Andreevich Ruban. The documents cover the period from 1914 to 1968 and are an important evidence of both the life of Ruban himself and a large segment of the Soviet era as a whole. The publication of documents gives the researcher an opportunity to get a clearer idea of the Soviet reality.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499422307.pdf
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7. Evgeny F. Krinko
“Without a Trace This does not Pass...”: Memories of Lev Smilovitsky

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(1): 95-102.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.1.95CrossRef

The Lev Smilovitsky’s book of memoirs, “From the experience”, was published in 2016 in Jerusalem (Israel) in Russian. The author tells about the history of his family and his life in Rechitsa (Belarus) before the war and in its early months, evacuation to Bashkortostan, voluntary withdrawal to the Red Army, service as a chauffeur in antitank artillery of the Reserve of the Supreme High Command, wound and hospital, participation in combat operations for Vitebsk and Koenigsberg. The book contains many interesting facts and reflections of the author about the front life and military everyday life. After the war, Lev Smilovitsky graduated from the Minsk Law Institute, worked in the governing bodies of the regional and republican Komsomol organization of Belarus, in the Ministry of Culture of the Belorussian SSR, and in the Belarus’ publishing house. He defended his thesis and lectured at the Department of CPSU History of the Minsk Pedagogical Institute. In the early 1990s, he emigrated to Israel together with his family. The book was prepared for publication and published by the son of Lev Smilovitsky – historian Leonid Smilovitsky (Diaspora Research Center of Tel Aviv University).

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499422373.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1499786435.pdf
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