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«Русский архив» (Russkii arkhiv) - Russian historical journal.

E-ISSN 2413-726X

Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 2013.

1 March 25, 2018

Articles and Statements

1. Nicholas W. Mitiukov
Votkinsk Shipbuilding in the Works of Local Historians P. Luppov, F. Streltsov and V. Stupishin

Russkii Arkhiv, 2018, 6(1): 4-19.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2018.1.4CrossRef

The manuscripts written in the 1920s by local historians P. Luppov, F. Streltsov and V. Stupishin on the issues of Votkinsk’s shipbuilding stored in the funds of the Votkinsk’s Museum of History and Culture are published for the first time. Luppov's manuscript is of exceptional cultural value being the first survey of the history of the Votkinsk’s shipbuilding. Streltsov's manuscript is based on archival documents, published statistical reports, but mainly on oral tradition, which predetermined a series of mistakes in numbers and facts, especially as regards the years of construction and the number of boats built. The manuscript of Stupishin is based on a limited number of archival sources, but mostly on published documents and periodicals, and contains clearly politicized assessments regarding the unprofitability of the Votkinsk’s shipbuilding and the reasons for it. The analysis of the manuscript and the published book shows that there are numerous abbreviations in the printed version. Despite the frequency of these manuscripts citing, it should be recognized that as a source on the history of the Votkinsk’s shipbuilding, they have a limited significance.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1528287902.pdf
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2. Olga M. Morozova
Archival Сollections and Perspective Directions of Studying the Civil War in Russia

Russkii Arkhiv, 2018, 6(1): 20-25.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2018.1.20CrossRef

The documents on the history of the revolution and the Civil War in Russia are kept in all archives of the Russian Federation and the former Soviet republics. Until 1991, only a small part of them was involved in scientific circulation for reasons of censorship (ideological) or technical nature. The procedure of declassification, which continues until now, has contributed to a new study of the camp of the opponents of the Bolsheviks. Now the scientific interest is returning to the side that won in this war. The approach that has developed in this area of domestic historiography is characterized by the relative (in comparison with the informative potential of archival documents) narrowness of the research themes. The article presents some promising directions for the development of research based on archival documents, for example, expanding the study of the regional aspect of revolutionary events, working with sources of personal origin; attention to the multi-factor character of the historical process, which was not exhausted by tendencies that became dominant; appeal to materials highlighting the law enforcement practice of governments of that period; relations with representatives of the Entente countries, as well as with the German command in the territories occupied in 1918, and so on.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1528288715.pdf
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3. Olga V. Rvacheva
Investigative Files as a Historical Source on Social and Political Conflicts in the Don Cossack Villages in the 1930s

Russkii Arkhiv, 2018, 6(1): 26-36.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2018.1.26CrossRef

In the 1930s in the Don Cossack areas there quite often occurred sharp increases in protest attitudes and actions due to aggravating social and political contradictions. Starting from 1927 such cases were investigated by the Joint State Political Directorate (OGPU) and investigative files were opened on the participants. Those files were rather thick and often consisted of more than one volume. They contain valuable information that makes it possible to reveal and analyze the mechanism of formation of such files as well as to see the historical details of the social and political life of the Don Cossacks. The investigative files as a historical source have a number of specificities caused by the circumstances of their formation. In this connection they require a special approach on the part of a research worker and a scrupulous analysis. The article focuses on analysis of some sections in the investigative files that reveal peculiarities of the social and political conflicts in the Cossack villages.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1528405234.pdf
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4. Maxim V. Medvedev
Peculiarity of the Search of the Documentary Information about the Dead and the Missing in Action Military Men in during the Great Patriotic War

Russkii Arkhiv, 2018, 6(1): 37-44.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2018.1.37CrossRef

The consequences of the Great Patriotic War have gravely affected the fate of the Soviet people. The issue of search of the dead and missing in action Soviet soldiers remains relevant to this day. The public interest of search of the fallen soldiers is mostly based on the moral motives. The work on the detection of information on the Soviet soldiers has many-sided aspects. At the moment there is a lot of literature on this issue, but at the same time there are also many unsolved questions and incomplete discussions. At the same time alongside with the professional scholars the amateurs wishing to open new pages in the history of the family have involved in the process of the soviet soldiers search. The main direction in search work on the establishment of the names and circumstances of death of the missing in action military personnel of the Red Army during fighting is the historical and archival research of documents of the wartime period. The author reveals features of this research in this article.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1528288089.pdf
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Publications of Sources

5. Igor O. Tyumentsev
In Sukhanovo Prison. From the Memoirs of I.A. Makhanov. Part 2

Russkii Arkhiv, 2018, 6(1): 45-71.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2018.1.45CrossRef

A fragment of prison memoirs of chief designer of Kirov factory of artillery weapons I.A. Makhanov is presented in the article. The memoirs were not published yet. Until recently memoirist was presumed dead in Stalin's torture chambers, but as it turned out, he survived and even described in details his prison odyssey. As a Bolshevik-Leninist from the “children of the revolution” generation he got good education, took one of the key positions in the military industrial complex of the USSR, and was well received in the highest echelons of power in Soviet Russia. Through access to information, including classified materials, he viewed firsthand the events occurred in the country. Presented fragment gives overview of his memoirs and describes the imprisonment of I.A. Makhanov in Sukhanovo, which was almost unknown until today.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1528405191.pdf
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6. Evgeny F. Krinko
The Jubilee in the Soviet Style: Preparation of the Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the Circassia’s Voluntary Accession to Russia in the Karachay-Cherkessia Autonomous Oblast

Russkii Arkhiv, 2018, 6(1): 72-93.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2018.1.72CrossRef

The publication focuses on the preparation of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Circassia’s voluntary accession to Russia in the Karachay-Cherkessia Autonomous Oblast in 1957. The celebration program included performances by artists and athletes, a film festival, radio broadcasts, exhibitions, publications in periodicals, the publication of posters, the improvement of settlements, the repair of roads and bridges, the increase in the supply of population and other activities. The main events were the jubilee session of the Karachay-Cherkessia regional council of workers' deputies and a rally in the main square of Cherkessk. In the commemoration of the anniversary a new monument to Lenin and the Friendship Monument were laid. The anniversary became a way to attract attention of the country's leadership to the problems of the region's development, to receive additional funds for the development of economic and social infrastructure. The documents have been dug out from the Karachay-Cherkessia Regional Party Committee’s found in the Branch of the Republican State Budget Office “The State Archives of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic “The Documentation Centre of Recent History”. All the documents are published for the first time.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1528377328.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1528405045.pdf
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