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«Русский архив» (Russkii arkhiv) - Russian historical journal.

E-ISSN 2413-726X

Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 2013.

2 December 14, 2020

1. Konstantin V. Voronin, Evgeny F. Krinko
Publishing Project “No Statute of Limitations” and its Significance to the Study of the Nazi Occupation and War Crimes during the Great Patriotic War

Russkii Arkhiv, 2020, 8(2): 117-129.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2020.2.117CrossRef

The first documents on the destruction of the civilian population and prisoners of war in the occupied Soviet territory were published during the Great Patriotic War. These were mostly materials collected by the Extraordinary State Commission of the USSR for the establishment and investigation of the crimes of the German fascist invaders and their accomplices and the damage they caused to citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions and its regional commissions. These documents were used during the war and in the early post-war years in the trials of German war criminals and Soviet collaborators. In the post-war period, interest in the topic of the Nazi occupation and its tragic consequences declined. Many questions of this topic have not received appropriate reflection in Soviet historiography. New approaches to the study of the occupation regime were proposed by researchers in the 1990s-2000s. During these years, certain collections of documents on the occupation policy in different regions were published. The publication of the multivolume edition “No Statute of Limitations” in 2020 creates opportunities for a systematic and comprehensive study of the tragedy of the population in the occupied territory of the USSR in 1941−1944.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1607973141.pdf
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Publications of Sources

2. Ekaterina A. Bobrik
The Big Highlanders’ Question: Draft of the Legislative Initiative for the Release of the Prisoners on the Eve of the End of the Caucasian War

Russkii Arkhiv, 2020, 8(2): 130-135.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2020.2.130CrossRef

The publication contains several documents that make it possible to trace the chain of bureaucratic changes in the legislative regulation of the life of highlanders prisoners of war during the Caucasian War.The issue that has been most acutely raised in the article has risen in recent years of the war, despite the tens of thousands of prisoners of war across the country. All the documents are part of a large-scale project to change the legal basis of the ability of mountain natives to return to their homeland. According to the sources, the main stumbling block was religious and ethnic affiliation. For the first time, these sources reveal new details about how the Russian government addressed one of the most important issues of the Great Caucasus War.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1607973421.pdf
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3. Ol'ga K. Bazaikina, Anna N. Eremeeva
“From Russia”: Anna Kuliscioff’s Articles in the Italian Newspaper “Avanti!” (1881–1882)

Russkii Arkhiv, 2020, 8(2): 136-147.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2020.2.136CrossRef

Anna Kuliscioff’s articles under the general title “From Russia” are published firstly in translation from Italian. These are three texts from thirteen ones written in 1881-1882 in Imola (Italy). The articles were printed operatively in the Italian Socialist newspaper “Avanti!” (editor Andrea Costa). Anna Kuliscioff actively participated in the Narodnik (Populist) groups in the South of Russia in 1870s, before her emigration. In Italy, she became a prominent figure in Socialist movement. The articles reflect the situation in Russia in the early 1880s, when the Emperor Alexander II was assassinated and Alexander III ascended the throne. Anna Kuliscioff introduces Italian readers to the reaction of various groups of Russian society to the events of March 1, 1881. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the revolutionary movement, its goals, the policy of the autocracy in relation to the “seditious people”, the socio-economic situation, the living conditions of the poorest population, and protest activity in the Russian regions. Data from Russian and foreign newspapers and fragments of documents are provided. Activity of Populists is represented as an adequate response to the standard of living of the majority of the Russian people. Anna Kuliscioff characterized the internal policy of the Russian autocracy exclusively in a negative way. The author clearly indicates his own position of support for the revolutionaries, including their practice of terror. Anna Kuliscioff tries to form a positive image of the “nihilists” and to evoke sympathy for them from Italian readers.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1608039277.pdf
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4. Igor O. Tumentsev, Alexander L. Kleitman
Three Portraits of the Representatives of the Criminal World of the 30-40s of the 20th century (According to the Memoirs of I.A. Makhanov, the Chief Designer of Artillery Weapons of the Kirov Plant)

Russkii Arkhiv, 2020, 8(2): 148-159.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2020.2.148CrossRef

This publication is a continuation of the testing of the source in the framework of the project of preparing the entire text of the memoirs of the constructor I.A. Makhanov for scientific publication. As a Bolshevik-Leninist, faced in 1940 with the order that reigned in the Gulag, the memoirist was deeply shocked by what he saw. He came to the conclusion that the Leninist penitentiary system, based on the re-education of people who committed crimes by working in labor camps and communes, was transformed by the Stalinists into Gulag concentration camps similar to the fascist ones. These camps were based on the very real slave labor of prisoners and aimed to destroy political opponents-Leninists through their disposal “in the Stalin’s dump”. The criminals held in the camps were considered by the camp administration as lumpens – an element that was socially close to the proletariat and were used for secret reprisals of political prisoners. Makhanov showed how the Stalinist regime turned normal people into criminals and found that, despite everything, many of them remain human and in other circumstances could have become full-fledged members of socialist society. The memoirs contain new information about the death of V.E. Meerhold's wife, actress Z. Reich.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1607976116.pdf
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5. Ekaterina A. Zakharina
Interview with Tamara Dmitrievna Ischenko about the Occupation of Rostov-on-Don, and Life in the Concentration Women's Camp Ravensbruk

Russkii Arkhiv, 2020, 8(2): 160-184.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2020.2.160CrossRef

An interview with Tamara Dmitrievna Ischenko is devoted to her biography before the war, during the war and post-war period. Before the war, she studied as a pharmacist at a medical college in Rostov-on-Don. At the beginning of the war the respondent was only fifteen years old. The girl witnessed the events of the first and second occupations of Rostov-on-Don, and helped the wounded in hospital. In her interview Tamara tells how she was taken to Germany for forced labour. The respondent tells the story of life in forced labour. After she and other girls sabotaged work in a factory, she was sent to the largest women’s concentration camp in Ravensbruk. There Tamara Dmitrievna had to face all the horrors of the concentration camp. After her release, she was filtered and repatriated to her native Rostov-on-Don. An interview with T.D. Ischenko is a valuable source and evidence of the memory of the war, occupation and Nazi terror in Germany and Russia.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1607973669.pdf
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6. Nicholas W. Mitiukov, Anatoly N. Loshkarev, Olga A. Nelzina
Votkinsk Newspaper “Leninsky Put’” about Water Transport in Udmurtia in the 1950-s

Russkii Arkhiv, 2020, 8(2): 185-204.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2020.2.185CrossRef

In this work, the publications of the newspaper of the city of Votkinsk “Leninsky Put’” of 1950-1960, dedicated to the river transport of the city, were selected. This is the decade of the heyday of the work of the Office of Small Rivers under the Council of Ministers of the Udmurt ASSR, which is practically not reflected in archival documents. Thanks to the newspaper, it becomes possible to clarify a number of facts about the biography of the Votkinsk courts that are absent in other sources. So the steamboats of the Votkinsk timber industry enterprise “Azin” and “Oktiabr’”, according to newspaper information, were reliably operated until 1960. Perhaps, “Oktiabr’” in 1959 was taken to the reserve for technical reasons and was not used more actively. The boat “Volna” of the Votkinsk operational office in 1960 was transferred to the disposal of the Votkinsk club of young sailors. This fact was also not reflected in office's documents. During the indicated period, three farms of the Votkinsk pond had their own fleet: plant No. 235, Votkinsk timber industry enterprise and Votkinsk operational office. There is practically no information about the fleet of the defense plant No. 235 in the newspaper's publications. The timber industry fleet is mainly mentioned in the light of the fulfillment of the logging plan, with both critical and approving assessments. But in publications about the Votkinsk operational office, critical notes prevail. The appearance of new ships of the office, as a rule, on the pages of the newspaper remains unreported, which may indicate the low popularity of this type of transport among the town dwellers. But the appearance in 1957 of the large (by the standards of Votkinsk) motor ship “Pobeda” leads to a significant increase in the popularity of the office. The boat becomes the object of literary sketches and photo sketches. In general, the newspaper “Leninsky Put’” is a valuable source on the water transport of Votkinsk, which makes it possible to significantly supplement and expand the understanding of the work of Votkinsk river workers.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1607973720.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1608039329.pdf
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