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«Русский архив» (Russkii arkhiv) – российский исторический журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-726X

Периодичность – 2 раза в год.
Издается с 2013 года.

Рейтинг статей журнала

АвторНазвание статьиГод, номерКоличество скачиваний
1Evgeny F. Krinko[Russia] «Forgotten War» in Historical Sources2014, June2609
2Leonid Smilovitsky[Israel]Soviet Jews write to the Red Army (1941–1945). Creation of a collection of War time letters in the Diaspora Research Centre at Tel Aviv University2014, December2503
3Zoya A. Chumakova[Russia]The Prosopography Database «Don in the First World War 1914–1918»: Identification of Sources and Methodic of one-time input of Documents in the First Formation Stage2014, June2396
4Igor A. Novikov[Russia] (Preparation to publication, introduction and commentary)The Disasters Caused By the Military Time Reflected on the Overall Russian Population to a Greater or Lesser Extent: The First World War and The Southern Urals2014, June2390
5Evgeny F. Krinko[Russia], Tatiana P. Khlynina[Russia] (Conducting the interview; preparing the material for publication)An Interview with Anatoly Konstantinovich Agarkov2014, September2345
6Александр Арвелодович Черкасов[Russia]Устав Союза безбожников СССР2013, September2335
7Natalya S. Petrova[Russia]Information Bulletins of the Political Oversight Organizations as a Source for the Study of Contemporary Folklore (Meteorological Magic of 1920–1930s)2015, March2331
8Евгения Ивановна Сазонова[Russia], Юрий Михайлович Смирнов[Russia]Обыкновенная история «маленького человека» (Записки муромского мещанина Александра Ивановича Гладкова) 2013, March2286
9Nikolay F. Bugai[Russia] (Preparation to publication, introduction and commentary)National movement of Koreans Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic and Republics of Central Asia: «to return to the Far East and to grant autonomy…» (Documentary historical and political aspect)2014, December2274
10Sergey I. Degtyarev[Ukraine] (Preparation to publication, introduction and commentary)The documents about the land plots of owners of Okhtyrka 1770–17762014, December2254

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