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«Русский архив» (Russkii arkhiv) - Russian historical journal.

E-ISSN 2413-726X

Publication frequency – issued 2 times a year.
Issued from 2013.

2 September 30, 2017

Articles and Statements

1. L.L. Smilovitsky
Jews from the USSR write abroad (Letters and Diaries of World War II as a Historical Source). Part II

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(2): 106-124.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.2.106CrossRef

This article is devoted to the little-studied topic of the correspondence abroad of Jews from the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. It examines the renewal of mail correspondence of the Jewish families with the outside world, which – due to dramatic internal political changes in the USSR during the 1930s – had ceased until the summer of 1941. The author provides an analysis of Jewish letters from the USSR to the United States, Palestine, South Africa, Argentina, and Mexico. This correspondence offers a window into a number of different aspects of the Jews’ experiences of the period: solidarity with the Red Army, the participation of Soviet Jews in the struggle against Nazism on the fronts of the war, Zionism, and Yiddish from the USSR. Particular attention is paid to such themes as the Holocaust, the search for relatives and the help of the Red Army, aid sent from Palestine, life after evacuation, and observance of the Jewish tradition. The letters of Jews from the Soviet Union abroad during 1941-1945 are an extraordinary phenomenon in the history of private military correspondence. The sympathy and attention demonstrated by tens of thousands of people from abroad helped the USSR overcome its international isolation and provided moral and material assistance, which significantly contributed to the ultimate victory of Soviet weapons over a common enemy.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1511957155.pdf
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2. Alla V. Shadrina
Documents on the Activities of Government Administration and Control in the Religious Sphere in the Rostov Region in 1943–1991: the Status and Potential of the Archive Fund

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(2): 125-141.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.2.125CrossRef

In 1943–1991 the religious organizations of the USSR were controlled by Council for the affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Council for religious cults, established in 1943 and 1944 under the Council of People's Commissars. In the regions of the USSR, the posts of authorized Councils were introduced into the staff of the regional executive committees. They had wide powers in the sphere of control of the subordinated religious organizations. In 1960s and 1990s, the records management of the Council representatives was transmitted to the regional archives. Nowadays, archival funds, which in various regions of the Russian Federation received the name of “Authorized representative of the Council for Russian Orthodox Church Affairs, Religious Cults Affairs, and Religious Affairs”. These funds are sources on the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious organizations during the Soviet period. This publication is devoted to the review of the Fund R-4173 of the State Archives of the Rostov Region “Authorized representative of the Council for Russian Orthodox Church Affairs, Religious Cults Affairs, and Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the Rostov Region”. The review is written in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation from January 18, 2007 No. 19 “On Approving the Rules for the Organization of Storage, Acquisition, Accounting and Use of Documents of the Archives of the Russian Federation…”. In the review on the basis of the study of the office documentation of the fund R-4173, the history of institutions-fund-makers is considered; stages of the formation of the archive fund; the composition of the inventories of the fund and a thematic review of the fund's documents was carried out.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1511957210.pdf
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Publications of Sources

3. Artyom Y. Peretyatko
N.I. Krasnov and his “Considerations on the Financial Advantage for the State of the System of Irregular Troops’ Nomination by the Special Population Groups, Enjoying the Exemptions and Privileges for their Military Service”. Part III

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(2): 142-158.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.2.142CrossRef

N.I. Krasnov was a famous Don statistician, Lieutenant general, author of the “Materials for Geography and Statistics of Russia collected by the Officers of the General Staff. The Don Host Oblast” and “Military Review of the Don Host Oblast». In 1860–1880 he held important positions in the Main Directorate of Irregular Troops. Furthermore N.I. Krasnov belonged to the famous Cossack family Krasnov and was a father of Don Ataman and war criminal P.N. Krasnov. We publish a detailed report of N.I. Krasnov on the economic efficiency of irregular troops. It was created during the debates of the “progressists” and “cossackomans” and contains a set of unique facts and original conculusions. In our opinion, it can even be considered as the rough draft of unpublished book. N.I. Krasnov shows the economic problems created by the irregular system of services, and calls for the gradual elimination of the Cossacks. As a supplement to the Krasnov’s text we publish the report of the Russian military agent in Vienna F.F. Tornau about Militärgrenze.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1511957290.pdf
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4. Mikhail Yu. Kiselev
Memoirs of Contemporaries about the Revolutionary Events in the South of Russia in 1917–1918

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(2): 159-166.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.2.159CrossRef

The article contains information on the work of the Questionnaire-Biographical Commission of the proletarian history section of the Institute of History of the Communist Academy of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (1929–1936), one of the structural subdivisions of which was the Section of the History of the Proletariat of the USSR. There was planed a preparation of a number of collections of autobiographies of participants of the October Revolution, the Civil War, the heroes of the labor front, and socialist construction. In order to obtain the biographical information of the workers, the Questionnaire-Biographical Commission organized memorial evenings, where participants told their biographies. Biographies contained both information of an autobiographical nature, and information about participation in the revolutionary movement, the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907, the revolutionary events of 1917, the Civil War and socialist construction. Evenings of memories were taken down and were called “Evenings of the memories of the Red Guards”. In the fund of the Institute of History of the Communist Academy of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, a transcript of a memorial evening of participants in revolutionary events in Rostov-on-Don and the region was preserved.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1511957366.pdf
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5. Igor О. Tyumentsev
In Sukhanovo Prison. From the Memoirs of I.A. Makhanov

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(2): 167-191.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.2.167CrossRef

A fragment of prison memoirs of chief designer of Kirov factory of artillery weapons I.A. Makhanov is presented in the article. The memoirs were not published yet. Until recently memoirist was presumed dead in Stalin's torture chambers, but as it turned out, he survived and even descripted in details his prison odyssey. As a Bolshevik-Leninist from the generation of “children of the revolution” he was good educated, took one of the key positions in the military industrial complex of the USSR, and was well received in the highest echelons of power in Soviet Russia. Through access to information, including classified materials, he viewed firsthand the events occurred in the country. Presented fragment gives overview about his memoirs and describes his being in Sukhanovo prison, about which almost nothing is known until today.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1511957474.pdf
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6. Evgeny F. Krinko
“The Information on the Population Size Must be Exhaustive...”: The Problems in Organizing the Accounting of Evacuated Citizens in 1941–1942

Russkii Arkhiv, 2017, 5(2): 192-204.
DOI: 10.13187/ra.2017.2.192CrossRef

Evacuation of the population to the east of the country during the Great Patriotic War was massive. In total, in 1941–1942 from the western regions of the country more than 17 million people were transported to the Soviet home front. Significant work was done to help the evacuees. One of the conditions of this was the organization of the registration of people who arrived in new places. The published documents are devoted to problems of organizing the accounting of evacuated citizens in 1941–1942. First of all, the difficulties were due to the huge number of evacuated citizens. Technical difficulties in the organization of statistical accounting were due to the lack of paper for the production of blanks, high workload of printing plants and other circumstances. The published documents have been extracted from the Central Statistical Directorate fund of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in the Russian State Archive of Economics. All documents are published for the first time.

URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1511957536.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal16.com/journals_n/1511957613.pdf
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